Flexible partial denture Hyderabad – A flexible partial denture is a denture that replaces a few missing teeth and is made of a softer material than a regular denture making it more flexible.


Flexi Denture Hyderabad 

Why would a dentist recommend a flexible partial denture?

Loss of multiple teeth affects your overall oral health alongside your ability to smile with confidence. Also, the remaining teeth in your mouth are now jeopardised for two reasons.

Firstly, the remaining teeth will eventually begin to move out of their correct position, causing malocclusion.

Secondly, because the jawbone around the missing teeth area is no longer being stimulated it recedes leading to loose teeth.

What are the advantages of flexible partial denture?

For people who have multiple missing teeth, partial dentures are an economical, functional and popular option. Partial dentures include metal clasps and some patients are concerned about them being shown in their mouth.

Patients allergic to metal also reject regular partial dentures and are looking for a metal-free denture option. Flexible dentures are a metal free option with additional benefits.

The following are a list of benefits that come with choosing flexible partial dentures

#1 – They can appear natural

Patients nowadays are seeking the most natural-looking option when it comes to any dental treatment. It improves smile, boosts their confidence and restores function when no other treatment is feasible.

#2 – They are very comfortable to wear

Flexible partial dentures are custom-made for each patient, making for a comfortable fit. They are also light in weight and they blend in with the rest of the teeth.

#3 – They are strong and durable

Flexible partial dentures are made to be both strong and durable, and they hold up well every single day as people perform their everyday activities

#4 – They are easy to care for

Taking care of flexible partial dentures is similar to cleaning one’s natural teeth. You must rinse the dentures often and remove any food debris, and when they are not being worn, it is necessary to keep them hydrated in water or a special denture cleaner.

Is a flexible partial denture the right choice for you?

The above information helps you decide if flexible partial dentures are the right choice for you.

If you are missing multiple teeth and want to feel confident when you smile, know that the sooner you make your tooth replacement choice, the better.

The longer you wait or delay, the more difficult it will be to correct any oral problems caused by your missing teeth. As soon as you are ready to improve your oral health and smile, book an appointment at ALUX DENTAL and consult our Prosthodontist for the best solution.

If you are looking out for flexible partial denture in Hyderabad  you can visit Alux Dental, contact us here.

Extraction of Teeth/Tooth or Wisdom Tooth Hyderabad – Pulling out tooth was one of the first dental treatments that came into being. Tooth pulling instruments dating back to ancient times have been discovered all around the world at various heritage sites.

tooth extraction hyderabad

In a time when sophisticated treatments did not exist, tooth pulling was the go-to solution in case of tooth pain. As the world progressed various methods were devised to halt the advancement of decay or infection. Today tooth extractions are in practice but only as a last resort when all else is bound to fail.

Why is the tooth extracted?

At ALUX DENTAL we believe in practising ethical dentistry. Extractions are only indicated when no other treatment prognosis is acceptable. A tooth is planned for extraction only under certain conditions, some are listed as follows.

  • Serial Extractions in children adolescents to make space and align permanent teeth as they erupt.
  • Over retained teeth or stubborn milk teeth that haven’t shed.
  • Internally resorbed teeth.
  • Therapeutic extractions that are required in orthodontic treatment to create space
  • In case of severe infection where a root canal treatment will not suffice.
  • Impacted wisdom teeth that are stuck and unable to erupt or are difficult to maintain.
  • A tooth that is fractured vertically or a horizontal fracture of the root.
  • A tooth that has become loose and lost bone and gum support.
  • Extra teeth called supernumerary teeth.

Is Extraction painful?

Extractions at ALUX DENTAL are virtually painless. We use topical anaesthesia followed by local anaesthesia. Surgical extractions are carried out using piezosurgery.

The Acteon peizotome cube unit is a sophisticated technological advancement that we have installed at ALUX DENTAL which reduces pain, discomfort inflammation and healing time post-extraction. The use of a peizotome in this impactions preserves more bone compared to traditional rotary instruments, increases the precision of the surgical procedure and reduces the amount of time spent on the chair.

This tissue specific instrument can tell the difference between bone and soft tissue enabling the dentist to safely remove only tissues which are required. This unit also reduces the need for stitches post-procedure. Ergo extractions at ALUX DENTAL are ethical, quick and precise. Strict sterilisation protocols maintained at ALUX DENTAL reduce the possibility of complications providing you with a virtually pain-free experience.

What are the different types of extractions?

Extractions can be of two different types:

  • Simple extractions(Where bone and gums are not cut)
  • Surgical extractions (Your dentist may have to remove some amount of gum and bone to access the tooth)

How long does it take to recover from an extraction?

Depending on the type of extraction healing times differ from patient to patient. Extraction of an over-retained milk tooth may take a day or two to heal. Simple extractions may require 5 days or a week. A surgical extraction may require a weeks time for all discomfort to go away.

Tooth Extraction Cost Hyderabad?

The cost depends on several factors. There is no fixed price for this. Consult us to get to know the pricing details for Tooth extraction.

If you are looking out for tooth extraction or wisdom tooth removal at Hyderabad you can give contact us here.

Dental Bridges/Fixed Partial Dentures(FPD) Treatment In Hyderabad – A healthy and beautiful mouth full of teeth in a sign of confidence and well-being. A missing tooth may limit your smiles or May make you feel embarrassed when you are speaking, eating, or laughing.

Dental bridges or Fixed Partial Dentures (FPD) are one of the traditional methods of restoring one or more missing teeth. They “bridge” the gap of a missing tooth with three artificial crowns that are placed side-by-side. The crown in the middle replaces the missing tooth and the two outer crowns are anchored to your healthy natural teeth, one on each side.

What Are the Benefits of Dental Bridges or Tooth Bridges?

Dental bridges are highly effective at improving your smile and improving the function of your teeth:

1)They restore natural speech and chewing functionality.
2)Bridges stop your healthy teeth from drifting around in your mouth and becoming loose
3)They don’t move around like dentures do because they are permanently attached to your teeth, making them more comfortable.

What to expect from a dental bridge procedure?

The first step is to schedule a consultation at ALUX DENTAL with your Prosthodontist regarding your missing tooth to design the best treatment plan for you. The teeth and gums on each side of the gap need to be healthy to support the bridge structure. Your dentist can discuss other replacement options if a bridge is not the best choice for you.

Once you have decided on a dental bridge treatment, you will likely schedule two appointments to have your bridge placed.

In the first appointment, the dentist will use a local anaesthetic to numb the areas surrounding the missing tooth and the two healthy teeth surrounding it so you don’t feel pain during the procedure.

Next, the healthy teeth will be resized so that the crowns have enough space to be placed on the teeth and are not larger than your other healthy teeth. Then the dentist will take an impression of these teeth and send it to a laboratory where your custom-fitted bridge will be fabricated. A temporary bridge will be placed over the teeth so that the reshaped teeth are protected until the permanent bridge is in place.

On your next visit, the dentist will remove the temporary bridge and permanently fix the dental bridge onto your teeth. The dentist will make any adjustments needed to properly fit the bridge in your mouth so it looks and feels natural.

How long can a Fixed partial denture or tooth bridge last?

If you maintain impeccable oral hygiene, which includes daily brushing, flossing, and regular dental hygiene checkups, it can last for a lifetime.

Gum Depigmentation Hyderabad – Gum depigmentation or gum resurfacing is a cosmetic dental procedure where the uppermost layer of gum is peeled surgically or by the help of a laser, inducing new growth. With the advent of lasers, gum depigmentation has become a non-invasive or minimally invasive procedure with limited or no downtime.

Gum Depigmentation

Diode lasers with an 810nm wavelength have been successfully used for gum depigmentation however the latest dual pulse lasers like Ultradent Gemini Laser is quite superior to most of the lasers as it minimizes any pigmentation induced due to heat.

Indications for Gum Depigmentation :

1. Pigmented gums or dark gums
2. Cosmetic Corrections

How can I whiten my gums?

Gums cannot be whitened per say but lightening or Depigmentation of gums is an in-office cosmetic dental treatment where a cosmetic dentist can use a laser to resurface the top layer of gum inducing neogenesis or new growth. The remodelled collagen can have lesser pigmentation hence a lightened look.

What is the cost of gum depigmentation in Hyderabad?

The cost of gum depigmentation depends on the extent of pigmentation and whether a laser is being used. Gum depigmentation is a procedure wherein a couple of sittings are required, spaced over three weeks and often the results achieved are transient.

Can gums be bleached?

Gums or gingiva as they are called should not be bleached.

Bleaching of gums with at-home recipes is a common practice which actually exasperates the concern than helping it. So, baking soda bleaches or DIY bleaches for gums should be totally avoided.

What is the best treatment for pigmented gums or dark gums?

Pigmented gums or pigmented skin is based on melanin content. Melanin is a dark pigment which protects one’s skin or collagen and also imparts a certain colour.

Mostly for cosmetic reasons or aesthetic reasons, gums are depigmented. A dual pulse laser-like Ultradent Gemini Laser can help a cosmetic dental surgeon achieve desired effects sooner than other lasers. The 810nm and 980nm dual wavelength of the diode are not only effective but also prevents heat-induced pigmentation.

Do dental clinics across Hyderabad offer gum depigmentation?

No, a good dental clinic in Hyderabad with advanced technologies like lasers can offer gum depigmentation. ALUX DENTAL with their cutting edge Ultradent Gemini Laser offers best gum depigmentation treatment in Hyderabad.

GUM SURGERY Treatment Hyderabad – Gum disease can be a very hostile condition which if left untreated, can destroy the essential gum structures that shield teeth and maintain their attachment to the jaw. The final result can be loss of teeth which deteriorates both your health and appearance. Treating gum disease and ultimately restoring health and appearance of damaged gums and tooth-supporting bone requires meticulous treatment sometimes even surgical measures.

gum surgery hyderabad

Best Gum Surgery Treatment In Hyderabad

Why is gum surgery performed?

Gum surgery/Periodontal surgery was performed to moderately advanced disease.

Gum surgery is performed to regenerate lost bone and to help create a hospitable environment around the teeth and gums that makes it easier for maintenance of oral hygiene.

If the infection has caused deep periodontal pockets (5 mm or more) or has settled beyond the reach of scalers, then gum surgery may be needed to access, clean and repair the diseased areas.

Flap surgery is one type of procedure used to access the deeper pockets of infection and clean them. Regenerative techniques may also be needed to restore tissue and bone. This includes various bone grafts, gum grafts and membranes.

These procedures are performed with local anaesthesia. Special cleaning instructions will be given to protect the site from further infection, and any minor discomfort after the procedure can usually be managed with anti-inflammatory medication for a few days.

Will gum surgery restore my gum health?

Gum surgery halts the present progression of the disease and prevents further loss of the supporting structures of the tooth. Surgery alone isn’t a cure, the prospect for reoccurrence is always there. Proper oral hygiene and maintenance by both you and your dentist are essential for preventing this.

Gum surgery, then, should be considered as part of an overall strategy to stop periodontal (gum) disease’s unchecked advance so that healing can take place. This will allow you to keep your natural teeth for as long as possible, maybe even for life.

What are the recent advances in gum surgery?

With the advent of newer technologies in recent years, laser applications have been immensely used in the field of periodontics. Soft tissue lasers show great results compared to other traditional surgical options. Lasers provide us with the option of painless, sutureless procedures.

Bleeding, pain and swelling are limited because periodontal laser therapy is less invasive compared to regular surgery. We at ALUXDENTAL have the dual-wavelength Gemini soft tissue diode laser which has been approved by the FDA. It has a wide range of applications not only in periodontics but also in other fields of dentistry.

If you are looking out for Best Gum Surgery treatment in Hyderabad you can visit Alux Dental – For Appointment you can book here.

Complete Teeth Replacement Treatment in Hyderabad – In edentulous clients or clients with complete tooth loss, normal day to day functions like eating and chewing completely get affected. This could also lead to indigestion and health concerns. Loss of appetite and taste can also follow as a sequela of complete tooth loss. In such cases, complete teeth replacement with either complete removable denture or hybrid denture or implant-supported fixed denture or an All-on-four full mouth rehabilitation is the treatments of choice.

Are Removable Complete Dentures Better than Implants?

A removable complete denture is an inexpensive but compromised solution in comparison to all-on-4 fixed full mouth rehabilitation procedure. In both, the cases biting and chewing is restored considerably.

Implant-supported dentures have longevity and can restore form and function optimally. The titanium Implant Bridgework, which can accommodate individual teeth on the framework is very aesthetic and quite functional too.

Full mouth dental implants is a common term, especially a very common keyword on google but it is a misnomer. A good implantologist will optimize the number of dental implants, not necessarily one implant for one tooth. This optimisation will not only minimise the cost but also reduce the load on the underlying bone.

The load on the jaws needs to be optimised as this will prevent resorption and increase the longevity of full mouth rehabilitation. Dental Implant manufacturers like Nobel  Biocare and Straumann Implants have concepts like all-on-4, which optimally restore both form and function. The load balancing of the prosthesis is guided by the angulation of dental implants.

How much does it cost to replace all your teeth?

Depending on factors which will be mentioned it would vary.

The factors are…

  1. Age of the patient
  2. Available Bone Condition
  3. Underlying Medical Conditions
  4. Choice of Dental Implant
  5. Choice of Rehabilitation Procedure – all-on-four, hybrid denture
  6. Choice of teeth ( ceramic, acrylic or dentures)

How many implants does it take to replace all your teeth?

In procedures like all-on-4, four dental implants per jaw are drilled at an angulation to balance the occlusal load. This can either accommodate a denture which is fixed on to the underlying implants or a TIB framework which can have individual teeth mounted on it.

In an all-on-6, six dental implants are drilled per jaw making it a total of 12 dental implants to restore a full mouth. In full mouth rehabilitation cases, either 10 to 12 teeth per jaw are recommended.

If the affected individual is young and the available bone is good we can also place more than 6 teeth per jaw or even individual implant per tooth but, it is better to optimise the number of dental implants.

Do dental implants last forever?

Yes, they do, but maintenance and good rehabilitation skills from the treating implantologist are vital for longevity. A full mouth rehabilitation is a multidisciplinary procedure where a periodontist, prosthodontist, implantologist, cosmetic dental surgeon and an oral surgeon have to come together to offer a unified and comprehensive solution which is very crucial for longevity.

At ALUX DENTAL our periodontist, prosthodontist and implantologist come together to offer comprehensive solutions which are minimally invasive and ensure longevity.

Gingivectomy Hyderabad – Gingivectomy is a dental procedure wherein a part of the gum around the teeth is removed. It is performed by a Gum Specialist or Periodontist. It may also be referred to as Crown Lengthening Procedure (CLP) as removal of the gum increases the clinical crown length.

Why is Gingivectomy done?

There are many reasons to perform Gingivectomy or Gum Reshaping:

  • Gum disease: In gum diseases, the gums become swollen. So the Periodontist thins down or trims the gum to bring it down to the normal physiological level and to remove the pocket formed between the tooth and the gums.
  • Gummy smile: Some individuals may have less tooth display and more gum display. In such cases, the height of the visible tooth can be increased by removing or trimming a part of the gum, resulting in a smile with less of gum display. This type of Gingivectomy is mainly called Aesthetic Crown Lengthening, as it enhances the smile of the patient.
  • Enlargement: Any enlargements present around a single tooth or multiple teeth can be removed with Gingivectomy.
  • Crowns & Bridges: Gingivectomy may be required to increase the tooth display when crowns and bridges are delivered for aesthetic reasons. In such cases, Gingivectomy is done only around those teeth.


How is Gingivectomy done?

Gingivectomy or Gingivoplasty or Gum Reshaping is a surgical procedure, where the Periodontist after delivering local anesthesia assesses the amount of gum to be removed and then uses a surgical blade to strip the excess gum. The stripping is done until physiological contour of the gum is attained. The Periodontist then places a periodontal dressing on the raw surface to protect the wound surface from the external environment.

What to expect after Gingivectomy?

Pain killers and antibiotics are prescribed postoperatively. Mild pain and burning sensation can be expected following the procedure. The patient is usually called after 1 week to check the healing process. The treated gum surface appears to red in colour, indicative of the healing and influx of increased blood supply. After healing, cleaning becomes easy, as the physiological contours are maintained.

What are the recent advances in Gingivectomy?

The conventional method of using a surgical blade can be substituted for lasers. At Alux dental, Gemini dual-wavelength diode laser by Ultradent is being advocated. Its Unique features and tissue specificity make it highly effective and precise allowing rapid healing. Reduced pain and swelling are commonly observed with patients opting for laser Gingivectomy.

The Ultradent Gemini laser is absolutely safe and US FDA approved.

For advice and information on Gum reshaping or Gingivectomy procedures, you can consult your Periodontist.

Endodontics Treatment in Hyderabad – Endodontology or endodontics is a dental specialisation that deals with the treatment of vital tissue present inside the tooth, also known as Dental Pulp.

The Dental pulp is the soft tissue the is present underneath the hard enamel and dentin and is composed of nerve fibres, Blood vessels, lymphatic elements and stem cells.

Various conditions can cause damage to this oral and lead to severe pain. A Dental Pulp Infection that is irreversible requires endodontic procedures, most commonly Root canal treatment. To meet with an Endodontist you can book an appointment with ALUX DENTAL Hyderabad for Endodontic treatment and advise.

Who is an endodontist?

An Endodontist is a Dentist who specialises in the field of Endodontics or Endodontology. These Dentists are experts in performing Root Canal Treatments. General dentists also perform root canals however Endodontists are better able to deal with complicated, compromised or unusual cases.

Finding all the canals in a tooth and cleaning them is a challenging procedure that may lead to complications if not carried out properly. Endodontists are trained to locate the root canals in a tooth efficiently, Clean, shape and disinfect the canals adequately and fill the canal space with Gutta Percha without encroaching the Periodontal Ligament Fibre space at end of any Root Canal.

What Procedures do endodontists perform?

An endodontist will perform Endodontic surgical procedures such as Root canal treatment, dividing the tooth in half or Hemisection of a tooth, Root Amputation, Apicectomy, Re Root canal treatment, Microendodontics and various other procedures closely related to Dental Pulp and the Apical area of the root.

Endodontist in India specialises in Conservative dentistry and can restore decayed teeth. Onlays, Inlays and Overlay’s are their Forte. Invisible fillings on front or back teeth can also be performed by an Endodontist.

What is Micro-endodontics?

Micro-endodontics is the practice of performing Endodontic procedures with the help of a dental Microscope. This improves precision and efficiency during the procedure. Root canal anatomy is a complex system that branches into fine canals that need to be cleaned as part of a successful Root canal treatment.

The use of a Microscope allows the Endodontist to locate, clean and shape canals effortlessly. A Dental Operative Microscope allows magnification of up to x25 and provides high-intensity lighting.

What is Laser Endodontics?

Employing lasers during an Endodontic procedure is known as Laser Endodontics.

Lasers are used after removal of pulp tissue from a root canal to disinfect the canal chamber. Sterilization of root Canals is easily achieved with a laser.

In procedures such as Pulpotomy where a portion of the pulp tissue is removed can be performed with the help of lasers as this stops bleeding or causes Haemostasis much faster. The Gemini laser by Ultradent used at ALUX DENTAL is a tissue sensitive US FDA approved laser which delivers precise results.

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Mutilated teeth – Hyderabad, Badly broken down teeth or teeth that are irreparably fractured are considered as mutilated teeth.

How are teeth damaged or mutilated?

In certain cultures tooth mutilation, practices are commonly seen in both adults and infants. Pre Columbian South American Tribes and Present-day Nigerian settlements widely practise tooth mutilation which can lead to various dentoalveolar anomalies.

Here are multiple causes that may damage your tooth. Some common causes are listed below:

  • Impact to front teeth during an accident may lead a broken or mutilated front tooth
  • Tooth decay and caries can damage your tooth
  • Secondary decay due to poor restorations
  • Fractured teeth in young children
  • Severely worn out teeth due to traumatic biting

I don’t have pain in my mutilated tooth. Should I get it treated?

You may not experience pain from a tooth that is badly broken down if the living tissue or pulp is completely dead. This dead or necrotic tissue can lead to an infection, formation of pus and an abscess that may spread to the surrounding bone and other teeth. Mutilated teeth often hinder oral hygiene maintenance in the surrounding areas which leads to dental decay of the neighbouring teeth.

What are the ways in which I can save a mutilated tooth?

Mutilated teeth can be managed on various fronts:

Endodontic management: A severely broken down tooth may require a root canal and a simple restoration will not suffice. Depending on the complexity of the case the root canal may either be multiple sitting or single sitting. Depending on the architecture of the remaining tooth structure your Dentist may advise a Post and Core for additional support to the tooth.

Prosthodontic management: A severely broken down tooth following a root canal cannot survive without a crown. The Prosthodontist, depending on the location, size and vulnerability of the tooth can recommend the adequate crown

Should I save my mutilated tooth?

When a tooth is severely damaged and cannot be salvaged, attempts to revive the tooth will be short-lived. In such cases with poor prognosis, an extraction followed by a prosthetic solution such as a dental implant fares better.

You can consult your Endodontist for advice on whether a conservative approach can be attempted with permanent results. Depending on various factors including the amount of tooth structure present, age of the patient, overall health the Root Canal Specialist will decide the best course of treatment. At ALUX DENTAL all treatment planning is done with permanent solutions in mind. A lifetime warranty accompanies all treatment / therapeutic procedures rendered.

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