PERIODONTICS Hyderabad – Every individual’s smile is distinct, even so, each smile has two components in common, one being an entire set of pearly white teeth, and the other having a right amount of healthy pink gum tissue to show them off with.

Your general dentist is responsible for providing treatment when required and making sure you get routine professional teeth cleanings. But who should you be seeing when your Gums need further aid? That’s where the Periodontist steps in. At Alux dental we have most experienced & best Periodontist in Hyderabad.


Periodontist Hyderabad – Alux Dental

What does a periodontist do?

Periodontics is one of the esteemed dental specialities which is devoted to the treatment of the supporting structures of the teeth — that is the gums, bone and other associated tissues. A periodontist is a dentist that specializes in treating diseases of the periodontium.

A periodontist, aside from being a specialist that treats diseases of the gums and tooth-supporting structures, has a widely expanded role in modern dentistry. The three areas where Periodontics has become integral in modern dentistry is in dental cosmetics, laser and implant dentistry.

Due to a periodontist’s unique knowledge of the architecture of the gums, soft tissue management and the anatomy of the oral structures including bony topography, they are excellent choices for dental implant surgeons.

In dental cosmetics, periodontists have the ability to improve soft tissue symmetry, colour, tone and the quality of tissue available through a myriad of techniques. When the gum line has receded due to various reasons, the periodontist has the ability to restore it.

When it comes to lasers, periodontists have mastered the field. There is an immense application of lasers in dentistry. In periodontics, in recent times, patients with gum diseases can be treated with lasers providing them with a painless, bloodless experience with positive results.

Lasers can also be also used for depigmentation of the gums, frenectomy, gingivectomy, vestibulopathy around the implant and various other procedures.

If you are looking out for experienced periodontist in Hyderabad, You are at right place. Contact Alux Dental team now.

What is surgical orthodontics?

Also known as orthognathic surgery, surgical orthodontics is used to treat severe cases of jawbone abnormalities and bad bites. Successfully treating bite problems isn’t possible at all times with conventional orthodontic solutions.

A severe malocclusion may require surgical treatment, notably if it is causing functional problems such as speech difficulties, failure to chew food efficiently and facial dysfunction in the form of joint pain, headaches or gum problems. Self-confidence issues brought about due to jaw abnormalities may also necessitate the need for surgery.

surgical orthodontics

If an orthodontist has determined that you need surgery, he or she will work with an oral & maxillofacial surgeon to ensure you receive the best care possible.

Who would need surgery?

Adults who are suffering from severely bad bites or those having concerns about their facial appearance may need to consider surgical orthodontics. But to know for certain whether it is necessary, the orthodontist will evaluate your oral structures including your jaws, teeth, and gums before making a diagnosis.

Ordinarily, jaw growth comes to a standstill between the age of 16 and 18. Jaws not lining up properly, causing functional and aesthetic problems for patients necessitates orthognathic surgery in order to set the position of jaws and teeth right.

Waiting is of vital essence until the jaw has ceased growing before determining whether surgery is the appropriate treatment of choice.

What are the merits of orthognathic surgery?

For many of our patients, the best reward of having orthodontic surgery is a healthy and beautiful smile. Other might use to treat resulting conditions such as obstructive sleep apnea, chewing difficulties, speech impediments, etc.

Are there any risks in association with orthodontic surgery?

Like with all major surgical procedures, there are risks associated with orthognathic surgery. However kindly remember that in a vast majority of cases, any associated problems are minor and easily can be dealt with. If you have any concerns, please feel free to consult a professional orthodontist.

Surgical Orthodontics is a collaborative effort between the dentist, orthodontist and an oral & maxillofacial surgeon. We will work together to create a treatment plan that will move your teeth to their ideal positions by means of surgery.

To find out if you’re a fitting candidate for orthognathic surgery, please schedule a consultation appointment at ALUX DENTAL Hyderabad. We will discuss your concerns and objectives, and perform a thorough examination of your mouth to determine if surgery is the right solution for you.

If you are looking out for surgical orthodontic treatment in Hyderabad you can contact us here.

Single Tooth Implant/Extraction in Hyderabad – An ideal restoration of a lost tooth should be one where the missing tooth in question is restored to its total form and function. A single tooth implant offers the same functionality without damaging or grinding adjacent teeth. The anchorage of a single tooth implant comes from the bone and it simulates the stability of a root as it also is embedded inside the bone.

Single tooth replacement with an implant is one of the most prolific dental implant treatments. It is conservative yet very functional, surgical yet expeditious.

single tooth implant
Tooth human implant. Dental concept. Human teeth or dentures. 3d illustration

Single Tooth Implant Hyderabad

A single tooth implant can be an Immediate Implant or a Conventional Dental Implant. Immediate Implant Surgery is a procedure where an infected tooth or severely damaged tooth is extracted and replaced with an implant on the same day hence the name. In such cases a bone graft is commonly used to fill the socket space and the tooth is buried to be loaded for an after date.

Conventional Dental Implant Surgery is a procedure where an implant is drilled into an already existing edentulous space. The loading of the implant or crowning of an implant happens instantly or after 4 to 6 months depending on fusion of implant with the bone.

Single tooth implant has three main parts:

1.A Dental Implant
2.An Abutment or Connector
3.A Crown or Cap

How it’s done?

Under local anaesthesia the bone in relation to the missing tooth is sequentially drilled to the desired width and height to accommodate the preselected dental implant. IOPA X-rays with a Radiovisiograph helps in monitoring the placement and position of the dental implant.

Once the implant is secured it is either buried or prepared for tooth replacement by taking an impression followed by a prosthesis.

Is a Single Tooth Implant better than Crown and Bridge?

Definitely, single tooth implants are better than a crown & bridges. Crown and bridge requires a prosthodontist to trim the adjacent teeth which is unnecessary and could possibly lead to root canal treatment of those at a later date.

In a crown and bridge the support comes from the trimmed teeth unlike from the bone in a dental implant.

Single tooth implant not only restores form and function of the missing tooth but also improves aesthetics and is easy to maintain. The longevity of a dental implant is also considerably better than a crown and bridge.

What is the Cost of a Single Tooth Implant in Hyderabad?

The cost of single tooth implant depends on the type of dental implant, either the surgical procedure is immediate or conventional, it also depends on the choice of abutment and crown. Cost of a single tooth implant in Hyderabad can range between 68000 to 135000 rupees.

If you are looking out for single tooth implant or single tooth extraction you can contact us here.

Pit and Fissure sealants – ALUX DENTAL Hyderabad, we believe that prevention is better than cure. Our services include preventive procedures along with therapeutic services. Pit and fissure sealants are noninvasive, a safe preventive procedure that can protect your teeth from decay. The anatomy of back teeth in our mouth is composed of deep grooves and trenches.

These difficult-to-clean narrow spaces often harbour bacteria and provide a suitable niche for plaque formation and growth of bacteria leading to dental decay. This deep fissure are often inaccessible with the bristles of a toothbrush and even the best of oral hygiene care cannot combat dental caries in certain cases.

What are the pit and fissure sealants?

Pit and fissure sealants are dental cement that the dentist places on polished teeth over deep grooves and pits present on the occlusal surfaces of the teeth. These are usually fluoride releasing cement that prevents the demineralisation that occurs during decay by acting as a reservoir of minerals that ensures continuous mineralization of the enamel surfaces.

The sealants physically fill up these narrow areas, sealing them from food, debris and bacteria. Thus they make the tooth less vulnerable to decay. Glass Ionomer cements (GIC) and Fluoride releasing composites are generally used as sealants. At ALUX DENTAL we use Ultra seal XT Hydro and Dyract Flow, two of the most recommended pit & fissure sealants by Reality Aesthetics.

How long do Pit and Fissure sealants last?

Pit and fissure sealants can last up to 10 years. Regular checkups are recommended as these sealants may wear away or break in some areas will require touch-ups. Pit and fissure sealants protect the occlusal surfaces of teeth. The areas in between two teeth and the sides of your teeth facing the tongue and cheek are still vulnerable to decay and must not be overlooked.

Are dental sealants recommended for every patient?

Dental sealants are highly advised in children as oral health care tends to get neglected in younger individuals. They may not possess the fine motor skills for adequate brushing. They also tend to have a diet, rich in sticky, hard, processed foods that can easily settle in deep fissures and pits and is difficult to remove.

Some individuals congenitally have deep pits and fissures that make them more prone to caries than others. In such individuals pit and fissure sealants can reduce the risk of caries by 80% Consult our Pedodontist at ALUX DENTAL for professional guidance on whether pit and fissure sealant are recommended for your teeth and if they can benefit you.

How are the pit and fissure sealants applied?

The dentist will first clean and polish your teeth. The back teeth are isolated and kept dry during this procedure. An etchant and bonding agent is applied. A Light is shined in your teeth to set these agents. Finally, the cement is placed into surfaces followed by the light. The cement is then polished if required. The dentist may ask you to refrain from consuming hard, sticky foods and colouring agents following this procedure for up to 72 hours.

If you are looking out for the Pit & Fissure Sealants in Hyderabad you can contact us here.


What does malocclusion mean? The term malocclusion means “improper bite” and it talks about the way the teeth and jaws fit together as the mouth closes.

Malocclusion, a developmental disorder occurs in the craniofacial structures involving the jaw, tongue, and facial muscles. It poses cosmetic concerns, lack of functionality and has been associated with negative impacts on social fronts.

Ideally, one’s teeth should accommodate easily within the mouth without any crowding, spacing or tooth rotation issues.

What can cause malocclusion?

Variegated heterogeneous factors that can contribute to malocclusion include genetics, lost teeth, impacted teeth, frequent use of pacifiers after age 3, thumb sucking, abnormally shaped teeth, dental restorations that were unfittingly done , injury to the jaw or teeth, tumors of the mouth or jaw, airway obstruction(mouth breathing), enlarged adenoids etc.

Quite a lot of people face issues due to some degree of misalignment of teeth, although it isn’t usually serious enough to require treatment.

A brief overview of Types of malocclusions

  • Class I malocclusion: when the upper teeth just slightly overlap the lower teeth
  • Class II malocclusion: overbite- when the upper teeth and jaw severely overlap the lower teeth and jaw.
  • Class III malocclusion: underbite- when the lower teeth and jaw overlap the upper teeth and jaw.

Alarming signs:

  • Do your teeth protrude?

  • Is there a deep bite?

The upper front teeth cover your lower front teeth too much.

  • Is there an underbite?

The upper teeth fit inside the arch of the lower front teeth.

  • Is there an open bite?

When the back teeth are together with noticeably large gaps between teeth

  • How is spacing between teeth?

Gapping may be formed when a person’s teeth are small compared to the jaw bone. Diastema develops with overgrowth of tissues that border your gum line and two upper front teeth.

  • Midlinesdon’t line up?

The probable cause for not lining up of midlines is drifted teeth or a shifted lower jaw, resulting in an inappropriate bite.

  • Is there a crossbite?

The upper back teeth fit inside rather than outside the lower teeth. This may be due to an anomaly where the upper jaw is smaller than the lower jaw

How to treatmalocclusion?

We at ALUX DENTAL treat malocclusion using principles that integrate the airway and proper breathing along with jaw growth therapy and orthodontics. Each patient requires a customised plan based on their own needs. Invisible braces compared, traditional braces and clear aligners are some of the options presented to our clients for comprehensive treatment.

ALL-ON-FOUR DENTAL IMPLANTS Hyderabad – A procedure introduced by the people who invented dental implants, Nobel Biocare. A minimally invasive procedure which helps in restoring form and function. Since the surgical implant treatment requires only four dental implants to be screwed into the bone, the load on the bone is minimal which combats resorption issues arising from overload and the treatment is also cost-effective.

all on four implants in Hyderabad

All On Four Dental Implants – Hyderabad, How is it done?

Under local anaesthesia an implantologist or an oral surgeon will drill four dental implants into each jaw bone, two vertically parallel to each other and the other two at 30 to 45 degree into the bone. The angulated dental implants along with the strategically placed parallel implants balance the load, accommodating 10 to 12 teeth. Once osseointegrated ( fused to bone ) the implants are loaded with angulated and straight abutments which in turn accommodate the crowns.

Is an all-on-4 implant surgery a successful procedure?

Yes, it is a very popular and very successful procedure. The procedure requires one to follow stringent surgical protocols and since there are a lot of components involved, having knowledge of load distribution with the available possibilities is the key to successful all-on-4 implant treatment.

What is the cost of all-on-four dental implant surgery in Hyderabad?

The cost of all-on four implant surgery in Hyderabad totally depends on the type of dental implants, type of framework chosen to load those implants and the teeth chosen. All-on-four allows an implantologist to either load using a hybrid denture or creates a TIB framework to accommodate individual teeth, hence its a quite dynamic procedure.

Which clinic offers the best service for an all-on-four dental implant surgery in Hyderabad?

At ALUX DENTAL a periodontist, an implantologist and a prosthodontist come together to offer a comprehensive all-on four solution ensuring the best possible treatment with high prognostic scores. Any dental hospital with a multidisciplinary practice where different dental specialists come together can offer the best all-on-four dental implant surgery in Hyderabad.

Can an all-on-four dental implant treatment last for a lifetime?

If done judiciously with proper scientific knowledge, with an approach where all the periodontal aspects, occlusal load variables and maintenance aspects are ascertained, then an all-on-four dental implant surgery can last a lifetime.

Will an all-on-four dental implant surgery make me look natural?

Yes, the beauty of an all-on four dental implant surgery is that it establishes form, function and aesthetics in toto. Hence the teeth and the jawline will look pretty natural.

Oral Surgery Treatment in Hyderabad – Oral Surgery is any kind of surgical procedure that takes place inside your oral cavity or mouth. Oral Surgery commonly includes procedures like Tooth Extraction, Wisdom Tooth Removal, Frenectomy, Vestibuloplasty, Alveoloplasty or Surgery to correct a Cleft Lip and Palate.

Apart from therapeutic procedures, surgical procedures may also be performed for cosmetic purposes. When surgery is performed for orthodontic purposes it is referred to as orthognathic surgery. At times trauma to structures of the face requires oral surgery to re-establish structural support and functional efficiency.

Can a General Dentist Perform Oral Surgery?

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons are dental specialists who are experts in Oral Surgeries. Successful orthodontic oral surgical procedures can be performed with the union of an Oral Maxillofacial Surgeon and an Orthodontist.

Endodontic surgery requires both an Endodontist or a Root canal Specialist along with an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon. Periodontic Flap surgeries are best carried out by a Gum Specialist or Periodontist. Apart from an Implantologist or Implants Specialist, an Oral Maxillofacial Surgeon, a Prosthodontist or a skilled Periodontist can also Successfully place Implants.

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons are the best specialists for any oral surgical procedures and must always be consulted.

Is oral surgery painful?

The judicious use of Anaesthesia has made Oral Surgery virtually painless. At ALUX DENTAL we employ the latest technology to provide patients with the safest, efficient and comfortable treatment.

The Piezotome Cube by Acteon used in our procedures significantly reduces inflammation, discomfort and pain that would have otherwise been un-ignorable with a Rotary cutting instrument. Our Oral Surgeons practise in an efficient, conservative and minimally invasive manner

What can you eat after oral surgery?

Following an Oral Surgical Procedure, your Dentist or Surgeon will provide you with a list of instructions that must be strictly followed and these include certain diet restrictions. Some common dietary changes that may be recommended are as follows

  • Avoid Hot food and Hot drinks
  • Avoid Smoking or consuming Alcohol
  • Do not chew food on the side of the surgical site
  • Do not eat Hard, crunchy or chewy foods
  • Eat soft and cool food items
  • Avoid Spicy foods
  • Cold foods such as ice creams without any nuts or hard additives, puddings and Jellos are recommended.

How Long Does It Take to Recover from Oral Surgery?

Depending on the type of surgical procedure healing time may vary from patient to patient. Surgeries are done using rotary instruments take a longer time to heal compared to procedures performed with Lasers such as the Gemini Laser by Ultradent, or Peizotomes such as the Peizotome Cube by Acteon employed at ALUX DENTAL. Laser surgery and Peizo surgeries reduce swelling, pain and discomfort experienced by the patient.

Simple tooth extraction or tooth removal may require a week while a surgical tooth extraction may need 7 to 8 days for the initial healing. We employ a combination of prescribing minimally invasive procedures, maximised tissue conservation, post-operative care and anti-inflammatory medication to speed recovery.

Complete Dentures Treatment In Hyderabad – Complete dentures is a removable prosthesis used to replace all teeth in the jaw. They are also called Full Dentures or False teeth. A complete denture was the only solution for missing teeth yeas ago. Today with the advent of Implants and Implant Retained Overdenture complete dentures are no longer the first choice. They may be prescribed by your Dentist or Prosthodontist when no other treatment is feasible.

What are the consequences of tooth loss?

Tooth loss can lead to a lack of confidence in individuals and various other consequences. The two most important factors resulting from tooth loss are:

1) Due to chewing difficulties patients with no teeth or a few teeth tend to avoid fibrous and nutrient-packed foods and compensate this with carbohydrates leading to nutritional deficiency.

2) Facial aesthetics is compromised as loss of teeth can make facial muscles sag giving an older and sunken appearance to the face. The loss of teeth can cause poor quality of life.

How to choose the right denture?

There are many types of dentures available. Your Prosthodontist will do a detailed assessment and give you the best options

There are 4 types of dentures:

• Complete Dentures
• Partial dentures
• Immediate Dentures
• Implant-supported Dentures

1. Complete Dentures – Dentures are placed on a jaw which has no remaining teeth. It is usually made of acrylic(plastic). The upper dentures usually have a better fit than lower dentures.

2. Partial DenturesPartial dentures are given for the replacement of a few missing teeth.

Based on the materials there are three types of partial dentures:-

Metal Dentures: They are of superior strength and durability. These are thinner and cover lesser areas of the mouth making them easier to adjust and more hygienic. However, they are expensive.

Acrylic(Plastic) Dentures: These are rigid and have metal clasps(extensions) which rest on the natural teeth. They require meticulous maintenance.

Flexible Dentures: Dentures made from this material are thin, lightweight and resistant to fracture, they do not have any metal extensions thereby reducing the chances of damaging the existing teeth.

Immediate Denture: These are dentures which are given immediately after tooth removal. These dentures will require corrections as the underlying gums shrink and heal with time.

Implant – Supported Dentures: Dental implants or small screws that are similar to the roots of teeth are placed in the jaws and a denture is placed over them. These dentures provide the closest resemblance to natural teeth.

  • Once you have chosen your denture, it will require 5 steps wherein your dentist will record your oral dimensions starting with an impression.
  • Once you receive your dentures you may initially feel some inconvenience and will have difficulty in chewing and speech.

Getting adjusted to your new set of teeth requires patience and perseverance. It will take you a few weeks to a month to eventually get used to it. A regular check-up with your dentist is important during this phase.

ALUX DENTAL in Hyderabad is able to deliver all of the treatment procedures associated with dentures in one location without the need to visit multiple dentists and specialists. For more information book an appointment now and consult our Prosthodontist.

Zygoma Implants Treatment in Hyderabad – Individuals with severely compromised maxillary bone and limited rehabilitation options are greatly benefited with zygoma implants. Zygoma implants came into existence in the year 1999 but were popularised in early 2007.

Zygoma Implants In Hyderabad

Zygoma implants are longer implants that are secured into the zygoma bone rather than the maxilla. The beauty of zygoma implants is that they can be immediately loaded reducing the time-to-teeth interval considerably.

Benefits of Zygoma Implants:

  1. Only treatment option in severe bone compromised conditions of the maxilla
  2. Graft free procedure ( no additional grafts required )
  3. Immediate load ( short time-to-teeth interval )
  4. Good prognosis
  5. Great bone support
  6. Good prosthetic load bearing ( connectors on which teeth are mounted are strong and big, allowing good load bearing capability )
  7. Treatment of choice if one has to avoid sinus lift procedure & failed graft procedures.

Are there any complications associated with zygoma implants?

Sinusitis is the most common complication with zygoma implants which is considerably reduced by immediately loading the implants. Other complications can be infraorbital nerve parasthesia, orosinus fistula and perforation of the orbit. However, all these complications can be avoided if an experienced dental implantologist approaches the treatment with ideal surgical protocols.

Are zygoma implants better than normal dental implants?

Zygoma implants are only recommended as an end of the line treatment after conventional dental implant procedures fail or in failed graft or maxillary resection cases. They cannot be used as substitutes to dental implants.

Where can I get zygoma dental implants in Hyderabad?

ALUX DENTAL in Hyderabad offers comprehensive dental rehabilitation procedures including zygoma implant surgery. The multidisciplinary practise helps in bringing a whole new dimension to treatment planning with optimised solutions. Our in-house oral surgeon, implantologist, prosthodontist and periodontist will come together to offer excellent solutions with high prognostic scores.

Cost of Zygoma Dental Implant in Hyderabad?

Zygoma Implant Surgery or Zygoma Dental Implant procedure is a full mouth rehabilitation treatment and the cost of zygoma dental implant will vary depending on the type of teeth given. If dentures are mounted on the implant it will be economical and if the implants are mounted with individual teeth on a titanium or nickel-chromium framework, the cost would be considerably high.

Is Zygoma Dental Implant Surgery painful?

No, local anaesthesia is used during zygoma implant surgery making it painless and comfortable.

What precautions need to be followed after zygoma dental treatment?

Most precautions would be the same as any surgical procedure i.e Its is recommended to avoid hot food, strenuous exercises, smoking, alcohol or severe breathing exercises. Analgesics and anti-inflammatory medications need to be taken as prescribed.

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